Diamond Education
Buying Diamonds in Carmel, IN
Origin of Mined and Labgrown Diamonds
Beyond the 4 c’s (carat, color, clarity and cut)

Since the first day our doors opened, the owners of Pierce jewelers have applied their education, experience, and equipment to expertly hand-select every diamond that is in the store.
As gemologists and diamond experts, certified by GIA and AGS, they ensure every diamonds beauty and value. Did you know that Pierce Jewelers is one of the three stores in Indiana, at this time, to have an accredited Gem Lab? There are stores out there that don’t have the equipment, experience, or knowledge that Pierce Jewelers offers.
In the past 4 years, the diamond market has changed. Scientists discovered how to grow a diamond that is suited for an engagement ring and other jewelry. Pierce Jewelers is one of the first jewelers in Indiana to invest in the New technology.
We carry both Mined diamonds and Lab Grown diamonds. When you visit our store, we are happy to show you the difference in our showroom or a virtual presentation.
Mined Diamonds
Through your own research, you have learned that mined diamonds were naturally found within the Earth’s crust. Carbon atoms crystallized from the extreme high temperature and high pressure. Then through volcanic activity, the diamond rocks are brought to the surface where they can be mined.
Lab Grown Diamonds
Lab Grown diamonds are created in 2 ways, mimicking the way it formed within the Earth’s crust. One process is called High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) and the other process is called Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
The HPHT process is used by taking a diamond seed and placing it in carbon. Then it’s put into a machine, which high pressure is added to allow growth. When growth takes place, its placed in a press that is heated to temperatures reaching 1500C. The carbon melts and is slowly cooled. This creates a diamond crystal, which can be cut and polished.
In a CVD diamond, a slice (or seed) of diamond is placed in a specially formulated chamber. Methane gas is forced at immense high pressure into the chamber, The methane reacts by igniting its Hydrogen with a laser causing it to form into a plasma. The molecular bonds in the gases break, causing the carbon atoms to rain down onto the seed plate. The carbon sticks to the seed plate and crystalizes. The action is repeated over and over until enough layers forms a diamond. This process replicates 2% of natural diamonds growth pattern, but in weeks not years. This diamond is still in random color and clarity just as in mined diamonds. The rough (uncut) diamond then goes to the same skilled cutters who shape and polish mined diamonds.
Pierce Jewelers chooses to offer CVD lab grown diamonds, because this process offers a purer crystal with less distortion then the cheaper HPHT diamonds offer.
As stated, Pierce Jewelers carries both Mined and Lab Grown diamonds. Which is the right diamond for you?
Visually, when you compare a Mined diamond beside a Lab Grown diamond with the same parameters, they are the same. WHY? Because there is no difference between the two choices, they are both Real diamonds. They have Identical chemical and physical properties, hardness, durability, and amazing luster only a Diamond can provide! We select the very best cut and polished diamonds for you. Let Pierce Jewelers help you make the best decision. Come see the difference!
Do not make the mistake thinking that higher carat weight means a larger looking diamond. Even diamonds of the same weight can differ on a basis of other factors, especially cut that influences perceived size. Just as two people who weigh the same can look very different, so can two diamonds. Large diamonds are rare to find and more in demand compared to small diamonds of the same quality. The price of a one-carat solitaire diamond ring is much more than a ring with smaller diamonds making up the same carat weight. Diamond comparison is not effective until you compare the diamonds of similar features and qualities. While comparing the value of different diamonds leading Laboratories like GIA and AGS recommend consulting with a Guild Gemologist or Certified Gemological Appraiser.
Pierce Jewelers is proud to have a Gemologist and Certified Gemological Appraiser on site! We will take the time to educate you on how to shop and get the most for your money.

When a jeweler talks about a diamonds color, they are referring to the absence or presence of the color in the diamond. Color of a diamond is a result of diamond’s composition and does not change with time. Colorless diamonds allow light to travel through them easier as compared to tinted diamonds. These diamonds can also emit more fire and sparkle. The process, through which a diamond is formed, is the deciding factor for its color. The whiter the diamond is the higher value it has.
Diamond color is all about what you can’t see. Diamonds are valued by how closely they approach colorlessness – the less color, the higher their value. (The exception to this is fancy color diamonds, such as pinks and blues, which lie outside this color range.) Most diamonds found in jewelry stores run from colorless to near-colorless, with slight hints of yellow or brown.
For grading the color of diamonds, jewelers refer to GIA’s color scale that starts the rating with D for the colorless diamonds and grows up to Z as the traces of light yellow or brown color are found in the diamond.

Natural characteristics called inclusions can also affect rarity and the appearance of diamonds.
Because diamonds are formed under extreme heat and pressure, they often contain unique birthmarks, either internal (inclusions) or external (blemishes).
Diamond clarity refers to the absence of these inclusions and blemishes. Diamonds without fewer or none of these birthmarks are rare, and rarity affects a diamond’s value. Using the GIA International Diamond Grading System™, diamonds are assigned a clarity grade.
Every diamond is unique. None is absolutely perfect under higher magnification, though some come close. Known as Flawless diamonds, these have no inclusions under 10x magnification They are exceptionally rare. Even most jewelers have never even seen one.
Independent Grading reports from a Laboratory usually include a diamond inclusion plot. This allows identification of your unique diamond as there is no similarity between two diamonds. It lets you have the assurance that the diamond you are receiving is the one you have paid for.
At Pierce Jewelers we verify each of the 4Cs before we allow it in our Store. It is one of the Benefits of Shopping Local.

People often confuse diamond shape with diamond cut. The Shape of the diamond is the outward appearance and outline. When we refer to ‘Cut’ we are referring to the Perfection of the ‘Art’ of Diamond cutting or the Play of White and Refracted Light the diamond returns. The quality of diamond cut is the most crucial part of 4Cs of diamonds. A great cut provides brilliance to the diamond. Finish and angles of all the diamonds lets you determine the diamond’s ability to handle light that results in its brilliance.
When a diamond has a good cut, light travels through it easily, adding to its sparkle. The light that is passed through the diamond because of cut is alone responsible for making the diamonds shine and increase their desirability. If a diamond is not cut properly, light enters through the table after reaching the facets, it leaks out from bottom or side, reducing its brilliance.
Many gemologists believe that best of diamond cuts are made after following a formula calculated for maximizing the brilliance. The formula is in the proportions of the diamond, especially in the context of how depth compares to diameter. If you are buying diamonds without GIA certificates, invest some time finding certified diamonds and gain some knowledge for identifying better cuts. Pierce Jewelers John Kanable and Chuck Scanlan have extensive knowledge of how these factors relate to beauty and the price of the diamond. They have written papers, training manuals and sat on Jewelry Industry Boards discussing these factors.
An Ideal cut diamond has maximum brilliance and the small table size of these diamonds work in the best possible way to create fire and dispersion. With ideal cut diamonds, you can be sure of having the finest return of money invested. This category is just for round shaped diamonds. Premium cuts can also be equivalent to ideal cuts in round diamonds but the price is slightly lower. Very Good diamond cuts reflect maximum light entered in, providing fair amount of brilliance to the diamonds.
Good and fair cut diamonds can still be very pretty. Approximately 80% of mined diamonds are rated Fair or Good. Fair and Poor quality diamonds reflect less of the light that entered to them. These diamonds are cut in order to increase carat weight above all the other considerations.